Wednesday, October 1, 2008

9/31/08 - Nightlife

A wonderful night to take pointless pictures and discover why I should not be using a UV filter at night, or in any pitch-black environment for that matter. While it may not be apparent in alot of the photos, I had to photoshop many of these to get rid of annoying lens flare caused by bright lights from cars/street lights that were created by the UV Filter on my lens.

In any case, to start off, my first photo is ironically my main motivation for going out in the first place in the middle of the night, seeing this perfect formation of symmetrical figures and lighting in the night while driving home, I could not resist but go out and shoot it:

Also, while this photo turned out badly, I still find the two drivers' reaction to a random person with a DSLR on the traffic island amusing:

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